Thursday, March 5, 2020

Mental Health in College What to look out for

Mental Health in College What to look out for A stack of books waiting to be read by Anna Smith College can be a stressful time for people. For some it may be their first time living on their own for an extended period of time. The academic pressure is high and the social scene can be unhealthy. The following are some things to look out forfor both yourself and for others: 1. Depression Depression is probably one of the most common mental health disorders and has received a lot of attention. Yet many are still unaware of just how debilitating it can be. Signs of depression include: loss of interest in usually pleasurable activities, loss of appetite, fatigue, low mood, difficult concentrating and sleep changes. Depression has many forms but they should all be taken seriously. 2. Anxiety Anxiety is another common problem for college students, especially with the push to take more classes, join clubs and apply and enter the job market. It is important to take time to relax even if it is only a few minutes. Common signs of anxiety are panicky feelings, restlessness, hypervigilance, trouble concentrating and feelings of worry or dread. People tend to treat anxiety and anxiety disorders as something that an individual should just get over, but anxiety can be just as  debilitating  as depression and is a problem for many people. 3. Eating Disorders Eating disorders are particularly a problem for women, but men are becoming increasingly affected by eating disorders. There are many types of eating disorders and the longer they go untreated the more entrenched they become. Early detection and intervention can save lives. Anorexia Nervosa is the number one cause of death for women between the ages of 16 and 24 in the mental health field. Signs of eating disorders are drastic change in weight or eating habits, fear of food, excessive cutting of food, restricting or binging, overexercising, avoiding certain foods, guilt associated with food or weight or body shape, feeling fat when you are not, fear of becoming fat and purging, using laxatives/diuretics or other methods of making up for intake. If you or someone you know show any of these symptoms please take the step and speak to someone. The counseling center is always able to provide more information and there are various support groups available such as the Red Tent and Active Minds. Take action, you could save someones life and help them get better.

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